Most people couldn't care less.
I know I didn’t when I started out. I used that car excuse:
“You have to understand how a car works to be able to drive one.”
But along the way I couldn't avoid learning how search engines works and the more I learned the more it all made sense. I realized... this is nothing like driving a car. There's no competition when you’re driving a car (assuming you just want to get from A to B).
SEO is more like racing a car.
(If you’re a racecar driver or a racing fan you'll know
how important it is for the driver to understand what
parts of the car's anatomy perfoms which functions.)
The SEO industry is becofrming increasingly
competitive, but there are still only 10 spots in the
top 10 for any keyword. This stuff gives you an
edge over the hordes clamoring for position.
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