Before a site appears in search results, a search engine must index it. An indexed site will have been visited and analyzed by a search robot with relevant information saved in the search engine database. If a page is present in the search engine index, it can be displayed in search results otherwise, the search engine cannot know anything about it and it cannot display information from the page..
There are two ways to index a site in search engine.
- Register your site to a search engine manually if it provides this service.
- Let the robots of search engines find them automatically.
To make your site search engine robots friendly then folllow rules below:
* Try to make any page of your site reachable within 3 mouse clicks from your home page.Sitemap provides this usability.
* Do not make common mistakes stated here earlier.
* Remember that search engines index no more than the first 100-200 KB of text on a page. Hence, the following rule – do not use pages with text larger than 100 KB if you want them to be indexed completely.
The behavior of search engine robots can be controlled by making robots.txt file.This file allows you to explicitly permit or forbid them to index particular pages on your site.
The databases of search engines are constantly being updated; records in them may change, disappear and reappear. That is why the number of indexed pages on your site may sometimes vary. One of the most common reasons for a page to disappear from indexes is server unavailability. This means that the search robot could not access it at the time it was attempting to index the site. After the server is restarted, the site should eventually reappear in the index.
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